Thanks for joining us in our WORKBOOK @F-L-O-W
Here’s the plan:
You can see what is guiding the process here: and our class site will be at, where you will login
using the username and password in your membership
If you can’t find them, it’s ok. You can just go to the
login page, and enter your username, and click on ‘forgot
password’ and the system will send it to your email
address automatically.
Once you login, you will look for WORKBOOK @F-L-O-W CLASS
PAGE and click on that to enter the class area.
In the class area, you will find the materials you need.
The workbook can be downloaded and we recommend that you
do so and whether you print it out or not, is up to you,
but we will refer to that throughout this program.
We will have 13 official meetings starting January 7,
2013 at 6:30 pm ET.
The number to call in will be there at the class site, you
can access the program over the web, or through your
telephone, and both if you like. You may also call in
through Skype at no charge. Click
to learn how.
We will not have slides for this program, as we will be
discussing directly from the workbook and will make
references to the Book @F-L-O-W.
We will post the recordings as soon as we can, and I am
not sure if we will transcribe this series, most likely,
I usually like to let the programs run a few times until
they settle into the right pattern.
With the purchase of this program, you have been given a
ticket to the LONG program led by our facilitators, which
will give you more time to do the actual exercises and
work through the questions. I haven’t decided exactly how
I will approach this 13 day intensive program. I usually
don’t, as I depend on what emerges in these programs as
there is a way the universe has of allowing energy and
information to come through me at the right times, with
the right allowance of space, so we’ll do that this time.
The workbook provides a LOT of structure as it walks you
through the process of connecting with the materials.
I will admit, the largest amount of energy and information
will come from you.
It may not come right away, and that is ok.
I have been working with this paradigm for more than a
decade and because it’s counter-intuitive, it requires
some time to begin to assimilate and it’s the iterations
that need to occur that provides the crucible for
Happiness and Success to find their own place in your
That’s about all I can say upfront. Be sure to direct
your comments, questions ,and ideas to
and instruction about how to get your questions answered,
your comments considered, and your feedback heard will
Thanks for being here. It means a lot to me that you
invested in you, me, and we!
Mike R. Jay
PS: To review what the class covers and its structure,
visit and invite others to view
it a well. They will thank you for it.