MindWare @F-L-O-W

         Donation @F-L-O-W

Making a donation through PayPal

1. Log in to your PayPal account at www.paypal.com

2. At the top of the page you have 5 tabs.  You want the 2nd one – "Send Money"

3. Enter the email address of the person you want to send money to.  In this case, enter paypal@leadwise.com  Then enter the amount.

4. If you have your PayPal account connected to your bank account or if you have a PayPal balance to use, there is no charge.  However, if you use a credit or debit card there is a fee of 2.9% + $.30 per transaction. 

5. Next click on the button at the bottom that says " I’m sending money to family or friends ".  When you do this, you will see the exact fees you will be charged, if any.

6. When you hit continue you will go to the page where you select your payment method.  Here you can select how you want to pay.  Where it says "Payment method, if you want to change the default method, click "Change".  So that neither you nor Mike will have to pay a fee, select your bank account as your payment method.

7.  It is rather easy to hook up your bank account.  Just go to "My Account", the first tab at the top.  Then select "Profile" and go to " – update bank account" and enter your banking information.  This will need to be verified by PayPal sending a small deposit to your bank account, so it may take a day or so to complete.

You also do have the option of paying with a credit/debit card and you paying the transaction fee or even making Mike pay the fee.

If you do not have a PayPal account, go to www.PayPal.com and sign up.  It is rather painless.

More Info @F-L-O-W

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