I’m writing to wish you a Happy New Year 2013.
Some say, you have to be careful what you wish for…and I
believe those of us who have wished for interesting times
are being granted that wish ten-fold as we start what I believe will be the Roaring Teens!
I know. It’s difficult to see that on the edge of a fiscal
cliff, debt default, and a global humdrum of an
economy…but if you could see what I am seeing here in
Asia–5 billion ready to consume people nursing on western
media, well, you would realize that we have a limited view
of the world.
I’ve just written a Book
@F-L-O-W: Find, Design, Use
TALENT to Emerge Happiness & Success in a Postmodern
World, and I’d love the share the ideas with you about
now, near, and far ways to re-calibrate your system for the
coming paradigm shift to a. b. normal.
Forget about the new normal for sure, we are headed into a
territory that is governed by limits to growth, peak
fossil fuel use, and the transduction of carbon energy
into knowledge, skills and innovation. It will truly be
the best of times and worst of times.
I provide a step by step guide to decoupling yourself from
the real economy, in transition to the economy of the
future, which all of our wildest dreams…and nightmares
will come true in some form.
To navigate that shift, a tectonic elixir is required to
begin to decelerate accelerating consumption, get you a
seat on the anti-aging train that is pulling into town,
and prepare you for the 55 and alive crowd that has just
bellied up to the bar in the western world.
If you wanted interesting times…poof!
We got ’em.
To get the digital or print copy of my guide to living
with yourself in these a. b. normal times, visit
www.f-l-o-w.com/book and chose which version you’d
like to partner with and I’ll donate the funds I receive
to helping disadvantaged single mothers in the Philippines
navigate their own barriers to the good life.
Your Partner in Time,
Mike Jay
PS: Drop me a note and let me know how you get along with
my guide to the near future @F-L-O-W.
PPS: I’ve got a recorded audio for you about my 2013
Year-Long Guidance Program for Developing Leaders, if you
would like to listen, just visit: