Levels @F-L-O-W

Levels @F-L-O-W

Levels @F-L-O-W is designed to provide a graduated assimilation of concepts, techniques and assessments that can be applied @F-L-O-W. In working with this level for more than a decade around the world, people experience the assimilation, or even the introduction @F-L-O-W differently.

The idea that I have and have seen work is to bring people gradually into the program and allow them to assimilate the foundation through the various elements in the system. Imagine @F-L-O-W being a huge periodic chart of “elements” of patterns.

Each person will respond to and assimilate different elements more easily when it’s more aligned with their filters, biases, beliefs, emotions and ways of making sense out of their meaning. The density that each of us pulls from and pushes out of will be different, and is more EES (efficient, effective and sustainable) towards creating their own resilience, in their own ways–using the alchemy of their system @F-L-O-W.

In order to provide this information in as many ways as possible, we have devised levels of experience, which you can pick and choose, or follow sequentially. Because of what BS has accomplished in our belief systems, it will take some time to contrast and wash out many limiting beliefs, that are designed to keep you wanting, and ego-driven, vs. doing the needful, as my friends from India would remark.

Each level contains information, and challenges that guide assimilation @F-L-O-W.

I do find people are so conditioned to BS, they will not always appreciate that what works for them, is ok. It’s almost like we are so entrained in the system of BS, that it’s not ok to guide our lives based on what we truly need vs. what we are conditioned to want.

I’m not against consumption, but am for right consumption.

In order to decelerate overall consumption driven by wants, it’s critical to work your system through the levels to wash out most of the programming you have been fed since before you were born, and is actually inherent in our systems as a result of the programming that is transferring right along with our DNA from our parents, who have been fully entrained into the system @BS from the late 1920s forward.

Just a note before you take a look at the Levels @F-L-O-W, and that is a disclaimer. I’m not upset that we have been conditioned to BS. People in my view have always done what they think is in our best interests, and during the depression if you knew people who went through it, it almost seems ANYTHING is better than what that period of time brought about for most people.

In the enlightenment of the period, jump starting demand and keeping it going seemed like the right thing to do. Today, we have different data, and being entrained to continuously fuel demand through getting people to constantly want more is not going to produce the end result we all wish, and that is being happy, enjoying success and managing the tensions in-between while we all seek to lend a hand to individual and collective suffering around the world through our contribution, minute as it might seem.

Now, here are the LEVELS @F-L-O-W
Description Location
Level Price USD
0 0-97 MEMBER @F-L-O-W – The Book & Basic Membership Book
? ? Talking Points @F-L-O-W TalkingPts

1 197 INDIVIDUAL @F-L-O-W – Annual Inner Circle Individual
197 *FASTSTART @F-L-OW – Facilitated 4 Mtgs FastStstart
? 197 ?BACK STAGE @F-L-O-W (Sausage Making R&D 4x a year) BackStage
? 197 Founder’s Workbook @F-L-O-W (Recorded Intensive) FounderWB
2 297 PRIMES @F-L-O-W: 15 Elemental Primes -7 Mtgs PRIMES
? 297 Developmentalist Intro @F-L-O-W: 6 mtg (Multi-Faceted Capability) Intro
3 397 VALUES @F-L-O-W: Values Engineering System – 6 Mtgs VES
? 397 *ASSESSMENT @F-L-O-W – Personality Portfilio – 9 Assessments Assess
697 Combine Products 1-3 1-3
*These are not included in the combo pricing and can be purchased separately as an option.
MOVEMENT @F-L-O-W – $29 monthly
4 497 SELF KNOWLEDGE @F-L-O-W: Personality Dynamics SK
? 497 RIGHTACTION? @F-L-O-W – 100 Day Rollout RA100
5 597 TPOVs @F-L-O-W: 101 Day Challenge TPOV
? 597 Workbook @F-L-O-W: 13 Mtgs Workbook
6 697 Guidance @F-L-O-W: Guidance System 10 Mtgs Guidance
? 697 R&D @F-L-O-W:? 10 mtgs (1st Tuesday’s 2013) see 2013
1297 Combine Products 4-6 4-6
1750 Combine Products 1-6 incl. ($247) Facilitation Program Facilitate
*These are not included in the combo pricing and can be purchased separately as an option.
CONTRIBUTE @F-L-O-W – $49 monthly
7 797 MAP @F-L-O-W Punctuated Development Map Map
? 797 VALUSYNC 2.0 @F-L-O-W: BusIntelligence – 15 mtgs Valusync2
8 897 DEVELOPMENT @F-L-O-W: 14 Mtgs (Group of 12) Guide
? 897 Interview @F-L-O-W: 12 Sessions Interview
9 997 COACH2 @F-L-O-W – Retreat Required Coach2
? 997 Sensemaking @F-L-O-W: 12 Mtgs Sensemaking
? 997 HAPPENEUR @F-L-O-W: 15 Mtgs Happeneur
1997 Combine Products 7-9 7-9
3450 Combine Products 1-9 incl ($497) Coach Certification Coach
? ? 2013 Leadership Guidance System 2013
*These are not included in the combo pricing and can be purchased separately as an option.
Coach @F-L-O-W – $199 monthly
10 2997 Diamond @F-L-O-W: Doing Good–>Doing Well Diamond
? 3997 Developmentalist @F-L-O-W: Curriculum (Incl DevAssess) Develop
11 4997 Guide @F-L-O-W: Scaffoldg the Future (Guide Cert) Institute
? 5997 Holorg @F-L-O-W: Design Principles-Requisite Organization Holorg
12 9997 Imersion @F-L-O-W w/Mike Jay – 10 days Philippines Imersion
? 12997 Generati @F-L-O-W: The Leadership Model Certification Generati
Guide @F-L-O-W – $499 monthly for 2 years minimum

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