Teachable Points of View @F-L-O-W

In the March-April 1999 issue of the Harvard Business Review, Noel Tichy describes what he calls a "teachable point of view," a two-page statement of "what a person knows and believes about what it takes to succeed in his or her own business as well as in business generally."

What I have done for a decade is accumulate, teach and use Teachable Points of View (TPOVs) to scaffold my own work and the coaching and leadership systems I’ve built.

In this program, I am going to review the Elements @F-L-O-W which are constructed of Teachable Points of View @F-L-O-W. The reason I mention elements relates to the ideas I have about thinking about a periodic table of elements much like we have in chemistry. I have found that by crossing over into other disciplines for collaboration provides a robust way to inform transdisciplinary models, and there formation.

During this program, I’m going to be identifying a pattern for the elements that scaffolds the pilars @F-L-O-W: Awareness, Purpose, Competence, Wellth, and Scaffolding. If there are other pilars that emerge during the process, they will be identified and patterned through emergence.

This program is designed to be an audio program, which will accompanied by an update of the written TPOVs, as well as a connecting the dots approach, designed to interlink the TPOVs, as elements with each other for use in scaffolding.

My goal is the development of 101 TPOVs, although there are more than that number available, but one must be circumspect when eating an elephant. My plan is to discuss these on audio and where appropriate add a video for more clarity.

You can join me on this quest by subscribing to the complete program, upgrading your member status to the Movement Level, and getting the program for less than the retail cost which is $9 per TPOV. Currently, the entire program is listed for $597.

As we go through the TPOVs, you’ll gain knowledge, skills and experience @F-L-O-W in applying the model. The program will cover a range of material that will provide you with valuable tools to:

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