Development @F-L-O-W
This program is a group interaction
for 14 sessions that is guided by Developmentalist and
Founder @F-L-O-W, Mike R. Jay.

The personality assessments we need
you to have, so that we can create a portfolio of your
assessments that you can share with the group if you
agree to do so are:
Kolb Learning Style Inventory
Personal Values Questionnaire by
Personal, Interests, Attitudes
and Values (Spranger)
Strengths Finder
Motivational Profile
Inventory for Work Attitude &
Big 5 Profile
Enneagram Lite
The developmental assessments are the
following adult developmental instruments:
Leadership Decision Making
Assessment (Dawson)
Subject-Object Interview (Kegan)
Model of Hierarchical Complexity
Score (Commons, et al)
Sentence Completion Map
Kholberg Moral Development Score
Social Perspective Taking Score
Languaging Density Score
Scores from these adult developmental
systems, allow us to create for you a Talent Map, or
LeaderPATHTM which you can
use to understand your maturation trajectory and the
range of development that will be more important to you,
when. This map can continue to guide your
development over the course of your life and is probably
the most important part of this program –> that is the
“acceptance process leading to @F-L-O-W”.
“Assessments are amenable to
empirical? methods that stem from an educationally
oriented cognitive developmental perspective that
stretches back to Baldwin and Piaget. This tradition is
concerned with understanding: 1) the developmental
pathways through which concepts typically and optimally
develop; 2) the particular sub-?concepts required to
construct increasingly adequate understandings at each
new developmental level; 3) the range of sub-?concepts
required for an optimal understanding of a given
concept; and 4) effective methods for developing these
concepts. These learning sequences are an important type
of usable knowledge and can serve a variety of
purposes.” Theo Dawson, PhD
The syllabus for the program is a
fluid structure, because as you know when you work with
a group of people, more than half of what takes place is
dictated by the group dynamics.? While we want
structure, we also want to be able to get off the
freeway and smell the flowers where necessary.? The
syllabus will have scheduled times ascribed to it, once
the class is fully formed, classes start forming 30-90
days prior to kickoff but no longer.
MeetUps are 2x per month for 7
months. Sessions Meet 8:30 pm et, the 2nd and 4th
Thursday of each month for the charter program.
Orientation and Introductions
Review of the FLOW Model
Review of Personality Dynamics
Review of Adult Developmental
Integrating the Talent Map
Information for your maturation trajectory
Reviewing the LDMA
Reviewing the Sentence Completion
Reviewing the Subject/Object
Reviewing the Model of
Hierarchical Complexity
Reviewing Kholberg Moral
Reviewing Social Perspective
Reviewing Spiral Dynamics
Program Review
A possible Retreat can be
scheduled for November or December?
There are particular requirements for this
program, which are not included in the fee of
$997 for each person. The program can be taken
without your own personal assessment, but it’s
not advised. If you have already taken these
specific assessments, you do not have to take
them again, but there is no reduction in the
fee, for your information. The cost for the
personality assessments in the program are $397
and the developmental assessments are $2995, and
they are packaged for a discounted price.
In this group interchange we rely on many
different learning modalities, some of which can
only be learned through the group interchange.
We do allow for people to attrit and to come and
go and to miss classes to a point, as we have
found we can maintain the core group which holds
the container for the group interchange over
time, even with the coming and going and the
attrition in the program.
We offer a refund after the
first session of the program, complete and full,
less a 15% administration fee to cover such
things as credit card payments and refunds, the
administrative work it requires to get everyone
to the first program and the value of the first
program. We do not begin taking assessments
until after Session #2 for this reason, so
please note that in your syllabus.
Click below for a one-time payment of

To make use of our payment plan of 3
payments at $397 each use the button below:

For other payment arrangements visit