Leadership @F-L-O-W

Leadership @F-L-O-W

How Leadership Is Changing?

I just wrote this note to some of my colleagues about an article being passed around from the Center for Creative Leadership, about how leadership is changing and how there are no models that exist that develop leaders for the future using dimensional: vertical, horizontal, oblique, and space-time dimensions.

Here’s a direct quote from the white paper, Future Trends in Leadership Development, which has a list of references and people attributed during the author’s study at Harvard last year:
"Much greater focus on innovation in leadership development methods. There are no simple, existing models or programs, which will be sufficient to develop the levels of collective leadership required to meet an increasingly complex future. Instead, an era of rapid innovation will be needed in which organizations experiment with new approaches that combine diverse ideas in new ways and share these with others. Technology and the web will both provide the infrastructure and drive the change. Organizations that embrace the changes will do better than those who resist it."
I think the author is probably right based on his own knowledge of what is going on, but limited in his view of what might be out there. In my world of leadership (I formed Leadership University in 1996), there are numerous models that exist that promote dimensional leadership development.
For the next year, I’m taking a special group of people through an R&D experience which will guide you through MY world of research and design for leaders…the leaders for the next normal…the a.b.normal…arriving at your doorstep soon.
Read what I wrote to them in response to where Leadership @F-L-O-W is going to take us…

…well, they (Petrie, et al) are dimensionalizing leadership through more than horizontal KSAs, i.e. competency models, and to me, they have now finally gotten to verticalization.  Competencies will remain as you infer, but the leadership model is becoming more dimensional in terms of verticality.

Source: Future Trends in Leadership, a white paper by Nick Petrie, Center for Creative Leadership

So we have had horizontal leadership development, and vertical development governed by role "size"…  So what and how, are already in the mix, as I see it, but from the wrong paradigm, a limited context…
And now we are, by adding vertical as a separate dimension, the 3rd dimension, which is trajectory, or oblique, and next we will add space-time.

I was waiting for awhile to respond to Herb’s request, so I’ll start that response now…

The LEADER of the future will have to become familiar with space-time relationships; and simply, they have to add in the social component of affect and effect with their leadership, a dimension of complexity…which says, when you flush a toilet it goes somewhere…and it’s not just ecological either, but space-time related as in what is going to happen to the way we work, if we work and what does that mean to me and how I design the work etc.

If I tell you, the leader of the future is going to orchestrate a company @F-L-O-W, where happiness, success, and fit are interrelated to lower their costs of operation by 30% yielding a sustainable competitive advantage, they are going to need to understand a whole lot more than dimensionality…?

Yet, those kinds of advantages are counter-intuitive, although some exist now for some reasons, but usually through oblique design, not direct design….

Imagine going into your team and saying we are going to go through a reorganization and we are going to lower all the salaries and benefits by 1/3, in exchange we are going to redesign the work such that people are happier.  We are going to be more successful as a result, and we can compete…sustainably.

What would the leader do…what competencies are required, what mental models are available to make something like that work with scale…?

Now, we know we have that kind of leadership to some extent in entrepreneurship, but they don’t have a pure sustainable designed competitive advantage…that can scale.

This is the transition stage @F-L-O-W that I have discussed.  It still assumes that you ‘must’ work @BS, as the need for a sustainable competitive advantage will NOT go away, either for investors, or the people in orgs allocating capital…until the new paradigm of aliveness without an emphasis on growth is able to emerge.

Capitalism says (in some ways) that resource allocation goes to the most efficient system…

Yet, WHAT is the definition of efficient…?

That is where we are goingto dimensionally identify where efficient really is, in space-time…IMHO

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