Your title goes here


Steps in Transition

Transition Steps Between Stages


Step Name

Substep Name


Dialectical Form





Extinction of thesis from previous stage begins

Previous stage action does not solve many tasks.  (Deconstruction begins) Extinction Process





Antithesis: Negation or complementation

Negation or complementation, Inversion, or alternate thesis


A or B



Relativism: Alternation of thesis and antithesis

Alternation of thesis & antithesis.  There is no coordination of them


A and B



Smash: Synthesis begin

Unordered synthesis of components from A and B



Smash 1

Random Hits, False alarms and Misses & Correct Rejections

Synthesis of components from A and B

in a non-random Order



Smash 2

More Hits, lower Misses, excess False Alarms

Incorporates subsets producing hits at Stage n.  Basis for exclusion not sharp.  (Overgeneralization.)



Smash 3

Correct Rejections increase , Excess misses, Lower Hits and False Alarms

Incorporates subsets producing correct rejections.  Basis for inclusion not sharp.  (Under generalization)



A with B


Synthesis and new thesis: New temporary equilibrium

Temporary equilibrium (synthesis and new thesis)



 Source: Does the Model of Hierarchical Complexity Produce Significant Gaps between Orders and Are the Orders Equally Spaced?

Transition Process Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages Step One in Deconstruction – Construction Process Recognition of Inadequacy of the current system


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Two in the Deconstruction– Construction Process:
The problem of arbitrariness can only be solved in actual interaction among the various systematic components involved.


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Three in the Deconstruction – Construction Process:
The subject recognizes that previously held ideas about rigid boundaries between systematic components no longer work and that certain distinctions lose significance.


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Four in the Deconstruction – Construction Process
: Subject includes many systematic components of an ideal or target meta-system.  However, these systematic components are not yet seen as fully interdependent.  


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Five in the Deconstruction – Construction
Process: Enough formal operational components are included to produce a meta-systematic, i.e., thorough and integrated description of the ideal system, including the following systematic components.   However, there are over generalizations and the basis for rejection of a particular component as not ideal are not sharp.


Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Six in the Deconstruction – Construction
Process: The subject produces Subsets of formal operational components and generates rules of exclusion that produce correct rejections of those components that do not fit into the ideal or target system at the Meta-systematic Stage, but still produces misses because the rules for inclusion are not specific enough yet.

11.5.7 (12)

Transitional Between Systematic and Meta-systematic Stages
Step Seven
in the Deconstruction – Construction Process: A New Temporary Equilibrium with a Synthesis producing an ideal or target system is achieved.

12 Meta-systematic Stage A New Temporary Equilibrium with a Synthesis producing an ideal “Choice – take a stand” system is achieved.

The subject is able to provide a full description of her meta-system.  She has specific rules of inclusion and exclusion, based on both her personal experience and advice from trained, qualified professionals:

 “Anyway, he incorporated it into one of the job descriptions that in order to hold one of the positions that he was hiring for.  This isn’t Bill Strong.  This is another guy, from his department. 

One of the mandatory things for the positions is that you had to attend Rapport.  I said, well now you just made it to where we are not promotable unless we agree to attend Rapport if we wanted to apply for that position.

He said, “that’s correct.” And then he did some big round chant here one day.  Someone came in from Rapport, and their idea is that when you come in to the office after you’ve been to Rapport for 3 days, and everyone comes back with no voice ‘cause you have to do voice inflection and yell through your thing.

They all cheer them at the reception area, all those who have already been to Rapport, you know, “yay, yay” and blow whistles.  Okay, that’s fine.

Well, then they started doing this chant of “I am leader, I am strong” and just, everyone that reported to me came in “Oh my God, Kathy, this is scaring me.”

Well you know, I’m trying to keep even thought on it and not put fear into my group, and say, well, we’re not sure what they’ve been through.  Maybe this is just something that keeps it alive for them.  Well, then as they were really driving to, got this thing; a list that, tell me how many of your members, or your team members, are going to be attending this in the next 6 months and you as a manager should be leading the way and you need to figure out when you are going to sign up, and finally I’d had it.

I called a meeting with the managers and I just, I said, you know, if you want to go to this thing, these things, I think any kind of self improvement is valuable based on what you feel you need to improve on; or based on what others are telling you, you lack, I said.  But to force someone to go to something like this, which is based on the 1960 model that was shut down in the 70s based on sleep deprivation training, I said. 

How can you stand there and tell me you know me and know my history and tell me to sign a medical release form that states in bold letters “if any of these things have occurred in your life that you shouldn’t attend”.  But you are forcing a person to sign that  How are you not held liable?

They should have a psychosis break down or something after this event. “I’m not held liable.  They sign right here that they don’t hold Rapport liable and they won’t”.  I said, exactly, so you’re putting the owning on the person to go to this, and if they have a break down they have no one to come back on. 

I said, you’re forcing something that is not enforceable.  And I said, if you don’t stop I’m going to pursue other actions.  I took this whole description to my mental health counselor, and he called his coworker who is a psychiatrist and they delved into it for like a week; and they said for you, you should not go, and that he would write me a medical release.  I said no, I’m just going to talk about this, and that’s when I took a stand, because you can’t be forcing people to do certain things because you believe in them.

[Probe: RIGHT. OKAY. WHAT DID IT FEEL LIKE FOR YOU TO HAVE TO DO THAT?]Oh I was, I was thinking I’m going to lose my job.  I’m going to have to face these people tomorrow if I don’t lose my job, and what are going to be my repercussions?  Am I going to be shunned, and I’m going to now be looked at as never being able to be promoted, you know.  Am I going to get black lawed, or black balled?  But I was willing to do that to just say, enough is enough, and you can’t do this.”

The subject then goes on to reflect upon another crucial episode in her life when she had to make a tough choice regarding the welfare of herself and her children:

“So if I have choice, it could be as simple as the choice between steak and chicken.  If I want chicken that’s what I’m going to have.  You know, its choice I’m making and I don’t need someone else to tell me no, you will eat this and you will have this and that’s how it’s going to be.

[Probe: OKAY. DO YOU HAVE A SENSE OF WHY THIS MIGHT BE SO IMPORTANT FOR YOU?] Uh, yeah, because there were no choices when I was growing up.  It was what it was and you were ordered, you were directed, and I got nothing out of it.  There was no satisfaction, there was no, um, I got to the point where I was letting others make choices in my life and I was just going along.  And it was the wrong direction. 

But I was fine with it because I didn’t know how to make a choice.  I just thought that is how it’s was supposed to be, that’s what they told me.

[OKAY. WHEN DID YOU LEARN THAT YOU COULD MAKE A CHOICE, THAT YOU COULD DECIDE FOR YOURSELF?] Oh, when did I learn? Hmm…the day that I finally made a choice.  It sounds weird; I don’t know how to explain this. The day I finally just stood up and said no, I’m not doing this anymore.  And it was very scary because I was a mother of 2 and it was about leaving my husband.  I was only 23. 

I didn’t know where I was going, but we were living the wrong life, and something was going to happen bad, and I just stood up one day.  I don’t know how I did it, but one day I just woke up and started packing bags.  And when I left, it was the best thing I ever did, and that is when I knew I had the power to make my choice.  It took me longer to understand that I had other areas that I could make choices in, but that was my first time of understanding this is a choice and I have made it.

[Probe: OKAY, AND THEN, UM, YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THERAPY, DID IT CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR ABILITY TO CONTINUE TO MAKE YOUR OWN CHOICES?] Absolutely. Because in therapy it was never directed as here is what you’re going to do, it was, here, do you want to try this or do you want to try that?  He gave me choices.


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