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Speed Intuition @F-L-O-W

Training System & Creative Tools To Tap Insight Anytime

Arupa Tesolin is one of the pioneers in intuition in business, an international author and professional workshop leader for top organizations through her training company Intuita. She is highly regarded member of the Global Intuition Network, a group of world leaders in intuition.

Arupa says: `One of the most curious things I’ve encountered over my many years of both learning and teaching this topic is the the fact that we have two levels of perception. The first is the thinking mind, and this is what we are most aware of in our day to day experience. The second is our "emotional mind" which binds to images, dreams, metaphors and a full range of "intuition data". Typically this is where psychics and sensitives gather their insight from. It has information that we are not consciously aware of, including unknown events, causal factors, and important information about our lives, careers, and business.

Several years ago, in a state of deep meditation, these processes were revealed to me directly. Through using them I was able to instantly access this deeper level of intuition. After testing the processes thoroughly myself, I began teaching others how to use them my
corporate seminar programs at Intuita and a personal training product (called Intuita MindWare). People found these methods very insightful and helpful in reaching a deeper state of intuition. Many of them had intuitive breakthroughs that were very powerful, even transformational.

I’m very pleased to announce that this exclusive program is now available in a convenient e-learning course format called Speed Intuition on this link:

Getting a clear sense of intuition when making decisions and choices is really important for your life, lifestyle, career, or business. Beyond this, who really knows where our insights will take us? You might be looking to discover cures for disease, invent something new, or be more consciously creative. This is a program that will teach you how to turn insight on.

Beyond the course, I’ve been quite amazed by the results and value that this process has achieved for clients in a short one-on-one coaching session with me. Though I’m just facilitating their experience, sometimes I can even see the sense-images (image + emotion) that they see. Several of them had direct experiences that enabled them to make big lifestyle changes which made them a lot happier, like these:

A Senior Manager decided to take an active role in live community theatre, bringing him more joy and fulfillment.

A female executive immediately quit her job and fired her nanny to stay home with her baby and be more fulfilled.

A prominent TV News station manager who felt overburdened with tasks to the point he wasn`t motivated to move ahead with marketing for an exciting new news channel, saw in minutes the entire marketing plan laid out in living colour and feeling, and returned with the vision and inner fire to make it happen.

Another person who had lost her job and had been working hard sending out applications and resumes to the point she was feeling overwhelmed, was inwardly told to do nothing for three weeks. On the last day of the third week, the phone rang with a job offer.

Course Testimonials
"I had difficulties concentrating while analyzing some complex consulting work for a client. I used the Animal Guide process for help. The insight I received achieved a solution in 1 & 1/2 hrs. for work that normally would take a full day."
D. Fulton, Client Services Consultant

"I attended Intuita training in India and the insights I got to handle my personal and professional life are absolutely astonishing!”

Senior Director, Executive Training Session

"The Intuita processes are sound. They work!"
Corporate Marketing Session

Intuita MindWare has great personal value. It is useful in generating creative ideas and even solving technical and design issues.
Jose Costa, Professional Engineer

It made me feel excited because I got an idea for a path to follow AND I was relaxed! I felt clearer and happier. I thought I knew the answer but my intuition knew more.
Eric Gilboord, President, SOHO Marketing

Intuition has an important role to play in ethical decision-making – the exercises have helped me to articulate this role to others and access that intuitive information. David Plouffe, Ethics Consultant & Trainer

In my on-going work with groups learning to be fully present has been critical and expanding my intuitive capacity has been an integral part. These have expanded my learning. I’m grateful for tools like this which challenge me to stay intentional. Jody Orr, Organizational Consultant, former Executive Director, United Way

This unique program will give you intuitive edge by training you to use 12 powerful Insight Tools to extract intuitive information on any question whenever and where-ever you need it. These easy & fun processes give you a creative way to cut through the mind-chatter and communicate directly with your intuition.

Program Goals:
Unlock the power of your intuition anytime using a step-by-step method
Help you gain confidence in using your intuition
Align yourself more consciously with your inner knowledge
Master the ability to extract relevant and needed intuitive insight for your life
Learn simple meditations to increase your awareness and peace of mind

It isn’t every day you find a really great course on intuition. Because I am now introducing this program I’d like to offer you an incentive to save $50 on the cost of the program this week only.

Here’s that link again

Yours truly,



More Info @F-L-O-W

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