2012 & Beyond "Design" Forecast [Update]
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Here it is, my forecast for the year and
beyond that the calendar ends!
Make sure yours doesn’t, eh?<G>
Obama Wins! Swing voters,
Polarization and Independents split the vote, Obama 41%!
European Upside Down Social Pyramid
is going to come back onto the radar in the European Recession
going on right now. Somehow or another, Europe has kept
quiet it’s social pyramid that is causing fewer and fewer people
working to support more and more people retiring and relying on
the social safety net which is FAR more expensive than anyone
realizes! Japan has a similar problem but supports it
through extensive saving.
Europe can thought of, as a bank to big to fail!
Monitoring Sentiment in Real
Time will become critical for all in 2012 & Beyond. Psychology is
the key to all of the events that will unfold this year and next.
Monitoring sentiment for noise and signal is going to be key.
Consumer confidence showed to be at it’s highest point since July
in USA…yet NOT higher than the start of 2011…and that is with
all of the variety of statistical distortions that have occurred
as a result of shifting manipulation.
Psychology Tips. UP and until
this point, psychology is matching the old paradigmatic
assumptions that business is as usual and that things go up, and
things go down. Once people realize that the timing of
things going up, and things going down will shift,
will begin to tip out of beta, and into bifurcations of flexflow
(few people ready), towards gamma –> most
Bifurcation! The big word
for what has emerged from asymmetry. Note I predicted that
asymmetry would be a troubling series of actions for the
future…and it’s here with Bifurcation. The very idea that
bifurcation has occurred and is now a descriptor in social terms
brings about a host of additional concerns about: young vs. old;
have vs. have not; express self values vs. sacrifice self values;
tech vs. anti-tech, and so on, the matrix for the next
half-century. Fractionalization, along with power laws
aid in bifurcation.
OrganoTECH: technology which IS its own
teacher, requiring no long term training or assimilation to
use…use out of the box without training. All software
moves to cloud and the actual leverage created by a cloud will
become a reality. Facebook, iCloud, Amazon, etc. It’s only a
matter of time before global decision systems begin to emerge in
finance, politics, ecology, and education. (It already exists to
some extent, but needs more leverage.) For instance, I
subscribe to a service that places any new research into my
desktop when it appears…like my iCloud does with my photos.
I take it once, it’s immediately in service everywhere!
Genes Everywhere! We will
see a proliferation of genetic testing that allows us to
understand our likely predisposition to everything from soup to
nuts! We will actually begin to incorporate gene information
into our daily design for work, life, play and relationships…and
it will all come through the lowering of barriers to the use of
genetic testing globally.
Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 535–537
Forum: Science & Society The golden age of DNA
metasystematics Mehrdad Hajibabaei Biodiversity
Institute of Ontario, Department of Integrative Biology,
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2012.08.001, How to
Cite or Link Using DOI
The convergence of
next-generation sequencing and DNA barcoding has sparked a
golden age of ‘DNA metasystematics’, allowing researchers
to understand the biodiversity of an entire ecosystem
solely through DNA information, and transforming the way
we view the living world around us.
will take a minimum of 10 years to recover. Housing prices
will continue to decline through 2015, and as many as 1 in 5
people will ultimately lose their homes. Rental housing
investments will continue to be lucrative starting in 2016.
Frank Credit. I’m naming this after Congressman
Barney Frank who was responsible for pushing through legislation
for people who couldn’t afford houses, but had good credit.
Now, all those millions of people don’t have houses, but they have
earned BAD CREDIT. This large amount of people toppling the
equilibrium in housing (500,000 homes foreclose a year in normal
times). Now more than 10,000,000 households will reach a
foreclosed state during the next 5 years.
Consumption will drop by more than 10%
in the USA. Consumption by private individuals is commonly
thought to be directly and indirectly about 70% of the total GDP.
Using this ratio, private consumption will drop 10% between
2012-2015, in large part due to the lack of credit from normal
channels, such as credit cards, and credit score related
consumption. In a service economy, even a 5% drop in
consumption has ultra-serious ramifications.
CyberSecurity has reached a tipping
point. Needs for securing a mass exclusion in
personal devices will become a personal concern. And I
foresee, a Cyber Risk Index for business.
Predictions for 2012 Breaking News:
Chinese penetrate US Chamber of Commerce!
October 26, 2012,
2:47 p.m.Obama
order would beef up cyber security, a former aide says
In a recent
speech to business leaders, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta revealed for the first time how a virus wiped data
from more than 30,000 oil company computers in Saudi Arabia
and Qatar.
Broadening Social & Economic Unrest.
Duh. Why would I put this? To remind you that we are
all too narrow in our thinking and mapping. Even then, the
map, doesn’t equal the territory and this is going to bite us,
because of the interdependencies that are unconceivable to the
normal person at this time. The entire globe will undergo a
period of social unrest, due to such weird-sounding factors as the
SUN passing through the Milky Way. Research has shown
that solar radiation affects everything, including weather, our
attitudes, and our social fabric. This may be the most
overlooked forecast I make, and it is has the biggest leverage
over time.
Shariah Financing will become
"relevant" in 2012 as more and more people search for alternatives
to what has emerged as "Corporate Capitalism" (my name), fitting
with the maturing of the ER/Orange vMEME which is vying for
density in the developed world, as an answer to current
Shariah Info
Inflammation will become known
as the real culprit, or disease behind almost all major
killers…? Major developments will occur over the next
18-24 months that will DIRECTLY affect inflammation and all of
it’s related maladies. We, who are the first line of defense
against incubating diseases, must take up arms against
WildCARDS. What is driving fear
in all forecast markets are "WildCARDS". Futurists are
talking about these probabilities as if they are going to be real,
and while some may come true, they are accountable for a
significant portion of speculation
and the "speculation" risks that are evolving –> driving up fear
and prices. In other words, a speculation risk is built into all pricing.
Speculation, because of uncertainty, will now confound all models
of how things work.
Take Financial Derivatives for example, they
have increased $107 trillion since the
beginning of the year to now around $707
trillion. Current Total “It’s pretty
clear,” says Michael Pento, offering a major 2012 prediction,
“that we’re going to see some sort of military action against
Iran’s nuclear infrastructure,
either by Israel, the United States or even NATO” — driving oil
to $200 a barrel.
Deflation. There isn’t a
doubt in my mind that deflation is the concern now in all
smoke-filled offices, and the REASON for this is demand. Demand is driven by demographics. In
the west, the average household earns around $50k, in China $5k.
So, the gap between the demand "dollar volume" in the two sets of
demographics is offset by
quality and quantity. The
question is not whether or not there will be deflation, but how
long will it last. If it comes fast, it goes fast
(Depression). If it comes slow, it will stay around a LONG
time (Japanese Model).
Too Many of Everything:
Restaurants, Banks, Auto Dealers, Retail, Electronics, etc.
This "consolidation" is occurring for a number of reasons.
Shopping is changing because of technology, allowing more
fractionalization (smaller stores selling what you want).
Demographics is shifting demand, along with deflation of money and
credit, and this is creating zombie "everything", living, but
dead, kept alive by the strange convergence of forces holding onto
the old paradigm, work, desperately needed employment, deep
discounting and bankruptcy protection.
Because of interdependencies and the "flat world" that has
emerged, ‘CORPORATE’ capable of selling globally have decoupled themselves from the ups
and downs of the country-culture cycle.
Karl Marx! When there is
excess labor, labor can’t protect it’s income. Yet, how
do we get excess labor? Isn’t that unemployment? NO.
Excess labor occurs when paradigms shift and what jobs were a part
of and in demand for that paradigm evaporate with the onset of the
new paradigm. We have excess labor globally because of the
demand for jobs which are much more foundationally sophisticated,
requiring shifts in education, skill development, training and
re-training, and the recognition by powers that be, that excess
labor, not unemployment is the key to understand. We have
excess labor because the jobs that existed for our skills match
have been taken by people willing to work for less and match up
better to the available jobs. The reason we don’t have
unemployment and the focus on creating jobs is present, is because
the powers at be, don’t understand what has happened and if they
try to create jobs for the skills we have now, they will
ultimately go to the people who can be employed for the least
amount of money and benefits. A great salary mediation is
occurring, and as Marx said, we can’t protect our income any
longer, we can only re-match our skills to different work.
Irreversibility? The ECB said
that the Euro is irreversible, and this is not true. Whether
it is formal or informal, the euro will reverse itself and strange
things will start to emerge as it appears that on one level, the
Euro is ok, on other levels, the informal way in which lesser
countries will be forced to act will defy irreversibility.
The euro was mainly created for Germany, and the trade for
neighbor "states" and to confuse it as a world currency. A
reserve currency is a big reach when you have what is happening
asymmetrically in Europe. The only way the Euro could remain
is as a reserve currency…or global currency. What I see as
taking place is the world will choose a neutral currency, or make
up a new one, which transcends all, but it won’t be gold.
Reading List. Start Making a
Reading/Listening List for your planned/timed
sabbatical. Sitting-out the big one? In the
event of chaos, or the edge of chaos and the underlying
re-ordering of society, it might be an interesting idea to sit it
out. Renewing yourself during a period of time where
marginal returns/income may be completely absent, it might be
better to just get ready for the rebound.
Water. Not equal to oil
yet, but the focus on water as part of a critical energy pyramid
will finally get to your tap in this period. Water is
becoming harder to get and you will start to see global players
start to reposition themselves with water in mind.
Asian Real Estate? Not
just China, but everywhere in the emerging markets where "demand"
was created by capital trying to find higher returns! The
question is this: will the real-estate crisis in China produce
what the real-estate crisis in Japan produced in the late 1980s.
Probably not, but it does pose the question, is this part of the
perfect storm?
Personal Responsibility. This
is the hardest prediction I have to make. It involves people
moving to a point to where taking personal responsibility will
take them "out" of social acceptance and it’s going to happen in
several phases. Since this is likely to amplify a lot of
other factors, I should spend a few moments teasing it out:
all change is wrapped up in denial
denial gives way to more and more facts of
denial shifts into cover-up, because no one
wants to be "out" there
reality "uncovers" and exposes our errors,
rather than take personal responsibility, we
look for "outside" factors
EVEN though at the root of our failure is our
own apparatus…
we will continue to jump into the river of blame
with everyone else…
at some point, when enough people are in the
river, massive action will occur
if a large group of people, all at once jump
into the river, structures will shift
If enough people in enough places jump in, the
old paradigm will be challenged
it is too early to tell whether this will cause
the paradigm to topple, most likely chaos will emerge…and it is
possible that the old paradigm will try to hang on as long as it
can…and in doing so, usher in ultra serious
consequences…before it gives way.
Complexity Reigns. The
gap between what we know and what we don’t know we don’t know has
gone exponential. "These complexities are playing the primary
role in generating and sustaining the negative emotions of
uncertainty and fear, hampering system operations since
uncertainty and fear are largely and liberally applied to
unscientific estimations of that erstwhile unimportant
counterparty risk."
Non-Linearity is now present in all of our systems: finance, food,
flight, and everything else. We just have no real conception
of what this means and almost all of our predictive systems are as
good as the systems we use for the weather.
A Close Look At Exponentiality.
In all of this, we are all silly to think
we know what we are doing. We don’t know what we are doing
because what we are doing is based entirely on a myopic view of
reality generated in large part by our own self-hugging responses to
limited information.
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Is 2012 an Opportunity or a Challenge?