Thank You for Pre-Paying for F-L-O-W

@F-L-O-W, the book

Pre-pay today for greater rewards tomorrow

Thank you for helping us get Mike’s newest book out to the public by pre-paying a portion of the book’s value today.

Our Goal is reach #1 in Amazon on Launch Day. Your help will ensure that goal.

On November 22 you will be sent a link to make your final payment of $14.95 plus the $9.95 for S&H.

You are also signed up for our series of 4 calls, which will be recorded in case you miss a call.  The calls will be on:

Audio | Monday, October 22, 2012 – You will be sitting in on our FLOW Guidance System private call and we will discuss how scaffolding is done, and design @F-L-O-W is emergent.

Audio | Wednesday, November 7, 2012 – Mike will give an update to his 2012-13 Forecast

Audio | Thursday, November 15, 2012 – Mike will discuss the Producer @F-L-O-W

Audio | Wednesday, November 21, 2012 – Mike will cover our launch call @F-L-O-W

All calls are at 8:30 PM ET. 

The call-in number is 1-206-402-0100, pin 513252#. 

If you choose to attend by webinar, you will be sent those details about one day before each call.

In addition, you have access to the following additional bonuses:
Access to his first two forecast recordings: January 2012 | March 2012
Access to his Inner circle audio on the elections – a must listen to short audio
Some White Papers Mike wrote on the economy and the elections:
          Economics and Politics
          WSJ News Alert

Order multiple copies of the book to give to friends by increasing the quantity, in the box at the left on the order form and save on S&H.

The call-in information for the Producer call is:

Title: The Producer @F-L-O-W
Time: Thursday, November 15th at 8:30pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:

Phone: 1-206-402-0100
Pin: 513252#

Thank you for your consideration.

Gary Gile

PS: I will see that you also receive an autographed copy of the book.

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