26 Modules designated from 0-25
Here’s the syllabus of the program:
The following description of the COACH2 Level 1 Development consists of 26 modules that make up the Basic Level of Instruction and Development. This development is based upon the book by Founder, Mike R. Jay, Master Business Coach called COACH2 The Bottom Line: An Executive Guide to Coaching Performance, Change and Transformation in Organizations. http://www.coach2-the-bottom-line.com
0 – Client Effectiveness & CAPABILITY [2 modules]
It’s all about them! This will be the hardest thing for all of you to accomplish. Learning about yourself, so you can keep yourself out of the way of client effectiveness will be the ultimate challenge. We’ll discuss this throughout the development system.
1 – RightACTION™
The concept of right action [right people doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time for the right reasons] that under girds the philosophy of coaching outcomes of awareness, purpose, competence and well-being is discussed during the first session and the first actual breakout session is conducted with a facilitator for each 3 coaches [making up what we refer to as a facilitated triad] in separate calls. A reflection period finishes the discussion after the breakouts conclude as participants return from their virtual break-out sessions.
The COACH2 methodology is reviewed and discussed as three core competencies, a coaching interaction model and 5 key abilities. The first actual role play in the breakout sessions is conducted around the first core competency of connection and the role play process is modeled to participants by facilitators. The Behavior Event Feedback process is modeled for participants and questions are taken on the process.
3 – COACH2 The Model
COACH2 is shown to be a source model of communication. Each element in the model is required and can’t be further distilled. Participants learn how to map other communication models onto the COACH2 model and why the person being coached is considered to be the source of wisdom and how to begin to elicit that wisdom from the coaching interaction. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
4 – COACH2 Learning Systems
Identify and learn the 3 learning systems that are present in the COACH2 methodology. These systems include single, double and triple loop learning. They are also identified as performance, change and transformation.
5 – Dynamic Inquiry
Inquiry is used in a variety of situations and degrees and types of inquiry that can be delivered through a coaching interaction including the ping, probe and prompt. We will learn different ways of using questions and how questions can make the interaction more effective. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
6 – Connection
Connection is the first core competency in COACH2. This competency is critical to achieving the other two core competencies and is an essential foundation of effective coaching. Connection paves the way for deeper clarification and higher levels of commitment. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
7 – Clarification
Clarification is important to effective outcomes, as we are able to surface blind spots and experience our gaps and discrepancies during clarification. This core competency reveals a broad array of opportunities to help the person being coached become clear about issues working for them or not working as well as they would like them to be working in terms of results. Clarity is probably the biggest missing piece in our organizations today and it is usually the number one thing people say is missing in workplace settings. Learning how to surface gaps, blind spots and turn them into openings to coach through is an essential goal of this module. Role plays with feedback are conducted
8 – Commitment
Without commitment, there is no coaching effectiveness. It becomes that simple. Commitment is required to create right action personally and in organizations. Finding leverage through connection and clarification of purpose, motives and development helps us to move into commitment at deeper levels. We learn how commitment is a function of how well we have made the connection and how well we have clarified the issues, blind spots and gaps in performance through openings. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
9 – 1st Semester Role Plays
We use this module to conduct a full-length coaching session to bring together all the pieces of the COACH2 Model into one session of experience. We provide you with the opportunity to engage a live coaching issue. Your facilitator provides you with written feedback on your behavioral events and helps you learn which of those is most effective and offers suggestions on how to improve your coaching methodology in the future based on where you are right now. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
10 – Ready/Willing/Able and Fit
This session asks the question, when do we coach and what issues have to be in our favor to create the greatest amount of leverage for the person being coached. It teaches us to coach at the level of ready, willing and able of the person being coached, not where the system or person coaching requires them to be. Trying to develop people before they are ready, willing and able is like teaching a pig to sing; it doesn’t work and it annoys the heck out of the pig! This is a great session to help us understand the focus is on the person being coached in terms of how they relate to system demands. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
11 – Coaching
This module outlines the CIM and shows how this non-linear model helps guide the coaching interaction to effective results. There are many opportunities to learn how to see this model used differently in many different ways. We learn how to see the effectiveness of coaching through this process and how to move around and through the process to make the process highly leveraging. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
12 – Identify Openings
A focal area in the COACH2 style of coaching is to recognize that we surface gaps and explore them through openings. Openings are defined as a gap that is both visible to the person coaching and the person being coached at the same time. This allows the person being coached to begin to see not only their behavior, but their motivations around what is seen as a gap by the system and what is noticed as a limitation to what works by themselves and others. This particular area of the model solidifies COACH2 as a solutions-based versus a problem—solving model. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
13 – Possibilities
The universe is infinite potential. However, they are not always seen and the coach can help the person being coached discover how to surface possibilities on their own and to learn to explore possibilities in terms of what works and what does not work through openings. When we begin to coach through openings, we discover that possibilities frame our opportunities. We learn how to use possibilities to both surface and explore gaps and blind spots. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
14 – Develop Plans
A plan is a prescribed course of action. Sometimes these courses of action work and sometimes they don’t. The coaching interaction is effective when plans arise from development of plans that involve major areas of commitment. In order for a plan to work, it must be created around intention and be in alignment with the values of the person and the organization. We learn how to help align courses of action that are now, near and far-sighted and create the opportunity for success. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
15 – Preview Outcomes
This crucial point of focus in the CIM allows us to test the plan before we take action. We preview various scenarios in order to pre-play the plan as it may turn out. It allows us to surface barriers, which may be hidden or blind. We learn the kinds of delivery that can help us illuminate the plan in a way that provides insights into effectiveness. Scenario planning has long been an opportunity to fast forward the future and to test the effectiveness of prescribed actions. In coaching, we learn a valuable tool that creates leverage during the action phase. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
16 – Commit RightACTION™
The action phase of the CIM is where effective coaching is measured. Everything that leads up to our pursuing right action culminates in the action we are committed to take on behalf of achieving our desired states of increased awareness, purpose, competence and well-being. We learn that action taken for its own sake apart from the system is often weakened by those unforeseen circumstances that inevitably arise. We learn to evaluate our action in the face of system demands. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
17 – 2nd Semester Role Plays–bring your own issue
In this review of the model thus far, we ask that each person being coached actually present a real life situation in which they wish to be coached during the role play. This helps us to evaluate our individual progress in the coaching model and written feedback is given by facilitators following role play. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
18 – Perspectives
The five levels of perspective taking are discussed and the issue of how to coach multiple perspectives is an important feature of this module. One of the keys to improving development and dealing with complexity is perspective taking. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
19 – Delivery
Delivery is one of the key abilities and is discussed before the remaining abilities of the model as the exchange of information between person coaching and person being coached is accomplished through delivery. The components of delivery are discussed. They are feedback; questions, statements, challenges and ideas. These components are framed in a time perspective and charge under which they can be exchanged. Role plays with feedback are conducted.
20 – Listening and Observing
This module reviews listening and observation techniques that can be used in face-to-face as well as virtual settings, including email. We learn to listen for 100’s of different issues in many different ways. We practice creating the opportunities for listening through effective delivery. Observation becomes both directed towards the person being coached as well as the coach. To observe and become self-aware leads to higher levels of emotional competence. Our ability to learn how to observe in all mediums is critical to achieving coaching effectiveness. Role plays are conducted
21 – Discernment
The ability to discern is the fulcrum of coaching. Knowing when and what to delivery and when and where to listen is crucial to the effective coaching interaction. Over time the coach learns to use many faculties in discernment and choice around how to best create interaction that are developmental and leveraging for the person being coached. Role plays are conducted.
22 – Modeling
Modeling is the one focal point for coaches as most learning takes place through vicarious learning, in other words what is modeled. The best way for the person being coached to learn how to become higher functioning is to be in interaction with high functioning people. Modeling is an effective way of imparting learning for the person coaching. Role plays are conducted.
23 – DNA Model of Coaching
The most r/evolutionary model in business coaching. Learn how Desires, Needs and Actions converge to produce productive behavior.
24 – Review
This session is used to review the entire process of COACH2. We use the triad model to facilitate the reviews and the team comes up with one answer that is used for everyone as the competency review is used to gauge depth of learning during the program.
25 – 3rd Semester Certification Role Play—coach someone live on video
These role plays are video taped in order to provide viewable feedback for the coaching interaction. These are held during the retreat at the end of the program for certification and the participant is given feedback and a copy of the video to commemorate their participation in B\Coach

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