
Connecting to Your Webinar

You will be sent the webinar call-in details by e-mail the day before each meeting.  The format of the email will contain the following information:

Title:  Diamond Inner Circle Offer
Time:  Monday, October 22nd at 7:30pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=34443516 

However it is best to call in on your phone or Skype so that you may participate in the call.  On the web simulcast, you may ask questions by typing them in the Q&A box on the left of the screen.

The phone and pin numbers for all calls are:
Phone Number: 1-206-402-0100
Pin Code: 513252#

To learn how to call in on Skype for free, visit Skype Instructions

Phone Etiquette

It is important to know and practice proper phone etiquette when on a conference call.  By making use of a few simple key strokes you will make the calls more enjoyable for everyone.

1. Always mute yourself when not talking by pressing *6

2. To talk, first press *7

3. When you have finished talking press *6

4. If we are in lecture mode and you have a question press *2 which will let the person on the "Control panel" know that you have a question or comment.  She/he will then unmute you to allow you to speak when he/she can fit you in.

5. If we are in Q&A mode press *7 to talk.

6. If we hear too much line noise coming from your line we will automatically mute your phone to ensure everyone else will have a clear connection.

We look forward to hearing you on the calls. 

The @F-L-O-W Team


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