Assessments @F-L-O-W

Assessments @F-L-O-W

Understanding you and how you best relate to others

Ready for a shortcut to understanding yourself?

Assessment is not the TRUTH, but it is an economic shortcut to saving you a lot of time in figuring out where to start with knowing yourself.

In my own journey with more than 3,000 clients over a 25 year span of professional business, executive and developmental coaching, I have found assessments to be the most important investment a person can make.

It’s not to replace appropriate self-study, introspection and exploration, but to augment that work, that inevitably is a part of every person’s journey of maturation.

Over the years, I’ve gathered together an assessment portfolio which I believe can create the greatest amount of leverage quickly with the least amount of effort, to provide the opportunity to compound any developmental opportunity.

Discover 9 different models of reality, giving explanatory power @F-L-O-W

Learn how you learn.

Identify how traits and intensity of behavior.

Get insights into your dominant worldviews and attitudes.

Understand how you deal with and approach conflict.

Know your preferences, given particular situations.

Learn about how you are intrinsically motivated.

Learn which meta-programs are most important in your life.

Understand your key strengths and talents.

Below are descriptions of the assessments chosen for your Portfolio @F-L-O-W:

Learning Styles Inventory [LSI]

The Learning Style Inventory is a statistically reliable and valid, 12-item assessment tool, developed by David A. Kolb, Ph.D. Based on Experiential Learning Theory, it identifies preferred learning styles, and explores the opportunities different styles present for:

  • Problem Solving
  • Working in Teams
  • Resolving Conflict
  • Communicating at Work
  • Communicating at Home
  • Considering a Career

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode [TKI]

For the past 25 years, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) has been the leader in conflict resolution assessment.

The TKI allows you to safely open a discussion about conflict, to reveal patterns and look at instances when one conflict behavior is productive and when choosing another style would be more effective. The five easy-to- understand styles are:

Competing: High assertiveness and low cooperativeness.
 The goal is "to win."

Avoiding: Low assertiveness and low cooperativeness.
  The goal is "to delay."

Compromising: Moderate assertiveness and low cooperativeness.
  The goal is "to find a middle ground."

Collaborating: High assertiveness and high cooperativeness.
  The goal is "to find a win-win solution."

Accommodating: Low assertiveness and high cooperativeness.
  The goal is "to yield."

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II [MBTI]

This report is an in-depth, personalized account of your personality preferences, derived from your answers on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II (MBTI Step II). The MBTI reports your individual personality type, and the Step II analysis of your responses gives you an indication of the unique way in which you express each main preference.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is designed to help you become acquainted with the personality gifts you were born with that make you a unique person. It was developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs as an application of Carl Jung’s theory of psychological types.

Jung believed that much of what we do with our minds is either an act of gathering or becoming aware of new information, which he called Perceiving, or an act of deciding or coming to a conclusion using that information, which he called Judging. He also believed that much of the apparent random difference in people’s behavior is actually a result of each person having preferences for particular ways of perceiving and judging. Jung identified Sensing and Intuition as two opposite ways of perceiving, and Thinking and Feeling as two opposite ways of forming judgments.

These four different modes of perceiving and judging he called functions.

People with a preference for Sensing take in new information by focusing on facts and details that can be confirmed by experience, whereas people who prefer Intuition focus on possibilities and relationships among ideas. People who prefer Thinking judgment use impersonal, objective, logical analysis to reach conclusions, whereas people who prefer Feeling judgment use person-centered, subjective analysis to reach their conclusions.

These personality preferences are similar to the familiar preference each of us has for right-handedness or left-handedness. A person normally writes with one hand or the other, but not both. We face the same situation in using our mental functions: we can, and do, use each of the perceiving functions and each of the judging functions on occasion, but we normally reach for our preferred one first.

Another pair of opposites, called Extraversion and Introversion, have to do with the sources of our energy and the way we use our functions. Jung called these opposites attitudes rather than functions. People with a preference for Extraversion focus on, and draw energy from, the people, events, and things in the outer world. People with a preference for Introversion, on the other hand, focus on and derive energy from the thoughts, feelings, and impressions of their inner world.

A second pair of opposite attitudes identifies whether a person’s primary means of dealing with the outside world is one of the Perceiving functions or one of the Judging functions. People who prefer the Judging attitude like to plan and organize, make decisions quickly, and come to closure. People who prefer the Perceiving attitude tend to be spontaneous and adaptable and want to keep their options open as long as possible.

The MBTI is not a measure of your abilities in any area. It is designed to help you become aware of your particular gifts and, through this process, to understand and appreciate the ways in which people differ. Remember that no preference is more desirable than its opposite, and no one of the sixteen possible basic types is better than any other.

MBTI Step II description contributed by Peter B. Myers

Listen to an excerpt from Mike’s discussion on TYPES | Audio

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To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

TTI-Disc Managing For Success

Learning about a behavioral model will help a person to better understand themselves and others; therefore, enhancing personal and professional relationships. An understanding of behavior will lead to the accomplishment of the following:

  • Increased Understanding of Self
  • Increased Understanding of Others
  • Increased Communication
  • Increased Productivity
  • Decreased Tension

Based on the individual’s responses to the Style Analysis TM Instrument, a Managing For Success™ personalized report will be computer-generated with the following details:

  • General Characteristics
  • Value to the Organization
  • Checklist for Communicating
  • Don’ts on Communicating
  • Ideal Environment
  • Perceptions
  • Motivated Style
  • Keys to Motivating
  • Keys to Managing
  • Action Plan

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

 TTI- Personal Interests, Attitudes & Values (PIAV)

Consciously or unconsciously, every decision or course of action we take is based on our experiences, beliefs, attitudes and values. Values direct our actions and offer stimuli for behavior. The Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values Manual provides the foundation for understanding and applying Edward Spranger’s values model. Spranger’s model is particularly useful in understanding conflict and performance issues.

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

Reiss Profile of Core Desires

The Reiss Profile of Fundamental Goals and Motivational Sensitivities is a comprehensive measure of human motivation. This scientifically validated instrument is based on a theory that has similarities to the works of Gordon Allport and Abraham Maslow, and it is published in the tradition of Myers Briggs. The inclusion of this instrument in a test battery adds important, new information to assessments aimed at understanding motivational traits.

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (I-WAM)

The Inventory for Work Attitude & Motivation (iWAM) is a questionnaire used for job-related activities, such as recruitment, coaching and training projects. It is based on meta-programs, a model of cognitive thinking styles (48 parameters are measured and explained). The iWAM Management Report identifies a person’s motivational and attitude preferences in the job context and predicts how this person will behave in various job types, such as administrative, customer contact or managerial tasks. The iWAM Attitude Sorter predicts key motivational preferences and development areas.

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.


The Clifton StrengthsFinder is a Web-based assessment of normal personality from the perspective of Positive Psychology. It is the first instrument of this type developed expressly for the Internet. Over a secure connection, the Clifton StrengthsFinder presents 177 items to you. Each item consists of a pair of potential self-descriptors, such as "I read instructions carefully" versus "I like to jump right into things." The descriptors are placed as if anchoring polar ends of a continuum. You are then asked to choose the descriptor that best describes you, and to identify the extent to which that chosen option is descriptive of you. You are given 20 seconds to respond to a given pair of descriptors before the assessment automatically presents the next pair.

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

Enneagram: The RHETI Sampler

The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) Sampler is a free Enneagram test that serves as an introduction to the complete Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI Version 2.5) which you can take online for $10 US.

The 36 questions in this free Enneagram test are only a small portion of the full, independently scientifically validated 144-question RHETI personality inventory, which Time magazine selected as one of the top online personality tests. Short personality quizzes such as this cannot guarantee that your basic personality type will be indicated, although your type will most likely be in the top three scores in this personality test. We recommend that you read the summary descriptions of the Enneagram types to further narrow down which is your basic personality type. Much more thorough descriptions of the types are provided with the full RHETI Enneagram test.

To learn more and take the assessment click HERE.

To register for the complete Assessment package for $397 click below.

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