TKI Assessment @F-L-O-W

Assessments @F-L-O-W

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is the world’s best-selling instrument for conflict resolution. The forced-choice, self-scoring inventory identifies a person’s preferred conflict-handling style, or mode, and provides detailed information about how he or she can use the five modes—competing, avoiding, accommodating, compromising, and collaborating—effectively.

Our iron clad 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee: We want you to gain in a positive way from the assessments we offer.  If at any time in the first 30 days of taking your assessment you feel that it did not help give you more clarity, then email for instructions on how to submit a support ticket to begin your refund process and we will gladly refund your investment.  It is our goal to help you advance your life and if we do not meet that goal then we do not want to keep your money.

Your Investment today:

By joining us today your investment is $59.

We look forward to serving you again.  To view other Assessments we offer, Click HERE.


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