2014 @F-L-O-W
Are you running the wrong operating system?
The reason I write this piece is in anticipation of my short
intro for my 2014 Coaching System, where I combine my
developmental coaching approach @F-L-O-W with a Leadership
Behavior Modeling System [LBMS].
The one thing I see over and
over in my clients around the world is that they are
attempting to run the wrong operating system underneath it
Society right now is operating largely @BS (Blank
Slate = anyone can do, be, have, become, and contribute
anything; we are all equal, we are imperfect and thus must be
in perfection mode, etc.).
Which means that 95% of the
people out there are running their own "personal apps" on the
wrong operating system — no wonder it’s inefficient!
There are four basic operating systems:
everyone is attempting to amalgamate them as one system
@BS… which means you switch back and forth between them as
the situation demands = sounds cool, but very inefficient.
We do have a new system beginning to emerge in quantity
but still less dense than those previous four operating
systems = contribution.
I’m not suggesting you try to
run this new opsys yet!
Because, if you don’t know where
"HOME" is, then you’re just going to be co-opted by the
approach just like you are being "matrixed" @BS.
want to know why corporate rules?
and as a result, you’re getting it, just not what you need,
but what you want, which is becoming a growing gap, destroying
equality around the world and eventually social order.
While you might not appreciate my alarmist mode, I can
help you help yourself and become part of the solution if you
just get one thing = YOU!
YOU = different.
Working in the right opsys can streamline production and
consumption and remove inequality in the world — as President
Obama states –> the greatest problem of our time!
I don’t agree with how he’s solving it @BS, but
I agree that inequality will kill us, all of us eventually.
While most of us don’t want to solve problems bigger than
we are, if I could show you that you can become part of this
process –playing big — while remaining small — would it matter
to you?
If so, let me have a crack at showing you a
path that my clients around the world have helped me learn to
https://leadu.net for some insights I’d like to gift to
you for 2014 and be sure to listen to the audio replays at the
top of the page.
Register below for future calls on developing the best in you and if the time is not good for you, we will send you the links to the audio replays.

© Generati
More Info @F-L-O-W