2014 Coaching by Email @F-L-O-W
Coaching by Email: A Discussion
You are now part of a closed discussion list with members for a year-long coaching discourse, giving each person, as a bonus, 4 in-person coaching sessions.
The opportunity to develop a coaching process on the discussion to where Mike Jay introduces a coaching dialogue every two weeks to one month for the people to follow and potentially use with their clients.
Mike, a professional coach and developmentalist, will provide coaching insights into the business of coaching and the coaching process, as significant parts of the coaching process with clients involves exchanges other than face to face, or even audio sessions.
Please check your emails from happeneur@gmail.com for updates and how to access the class site.
Our Guarantee: If before January 23, 2014, you decide this program is not for you, we will refund 100% of your tuition. After that date and before March 1, 2014, you decide you are not benefiting from the classes we will refund 100% less $197 admin fee. No refunds after March 1, 2014.
Bonus: 4 in-person coaching sessions by Mike Jay.
© Generati
More Info @F-L-O-W