Design @F-L-O-W
Introduction using a Teachable Point of View (TPOV)
Designing In Differences
Design @F-L-O-W
Identify what you are wasting now!
Identify what
makes you happy.
Identify right
Identify right levels of success.
The question may be What’s Different?
The design and meta-design system at flow
are nuanced to incorporate 7 parameters:
System Dynamics
So far, I don’t think there is a lot of
difference in what you might find in any design program using
a set of design parameters.
Let me show you why Design @F-L-O-W is
I want to take you back to our Talking
Blank Slate (@BS) contrasts
We Begin Different
Everyone Is Created Equal
Everyone Is NOT Created Equal
To Be Fair, It Must Be The Same
To Be Fair, Each Different, But Fair
To Be Happy, Be Successful
To Be Happy, Be, Do, Have, Become, Contribute
Wants Replace Needs
Needs Replace Wants
Credit Card – Wants
Passbook – Needs
Net Energy Is Decreasing
Net Energy Is Shifting – Transduction
Noise Accumulates as Signal
Signal Filtering Critical
We Can Learn Anything
We Can’t–Should Not–Learn Some Things
Trust until you find a reason not too…
Mistrust until you find a reason not too…
We Can Be Anything We Want
We Can Be Anything We Can & Are!
Because We Can, We Will
Because We Can, Doesn’t Mean We Will
We Are Rational Human Beings
We Are Largely Irrational Beings
Refuse To Accept Ourselves And Others
Unconditionally Accept Ourselves & Others
All Problems Can Be Solved By Growth
Growth Is A Solution To Some Problems
Models and Statistics Can be generalized
Generalization not possible to differences
Development Through Personal Change
Development with Scaffolding
Personal Change Is The Leverage Point
Acceptance Is The Leverage Point
Focus on Self-Awareness
Focus on Self-Knowledge
Values are hierarchical
Values are Networks
Either/Or –> Certainty
Both/And –> Paradoxes
Close the Gap
Keep the GAP Open!
What makes Design different at flow are
the basic assumptions of the paradigm which have changed.
Let me grab a particular set of ideas for
an example.
In BS, we consider to be equal and
capable of Being, Doing, having, becoming, and Contributing
It’s not the same @F-L-O-W.
We can’t expect people to behave in this
What we can expect them to be, do, have,
become and contribute are largely influenced from those 7
areas I noted above.
What does this to for and to design?
Almost all of our current designs are
built upon the notion of BS, that if you can’t be, do, have,
become and contribute anything, then the design has to be
focused number one on what you can and will do.
Secondly, because you are unique and
different, we can’t keep expecting you to be, do, have, become
and contribute what you can’t, so measures of capability,
bias, style, level, role, values and system dynamics become
really important in producing designs that are efficient,
effective, and sustainable.
Third. I would be almost all of the
current designs in your life are following this path
unconsciously, but consciously you are finding it hard to make
all the adjustments you need to being perfect as determined by
societies standards…or for you own if you are one of those in
the 1-5% who set standards for living at flow.
The four session program I’m going to
guide you through will open to your eyes about not only what
is possible, but what is probable in your own life and the
movement to detach from those design standards that were not
meant for living at flow.
BONUS: You will also receive our Living at FLOW course, a $197 value, as it will help you better make use of what you learn in Design @F-L-O-W. Visit to learn more about Living at FLOW.
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More Info @F-L-O-W