The Book @F-L-O-W
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Since birth we have been programmed to believe that happiness comes from owning "things" that society [big business and the advertising media] have told us we must have.
We have also been told that we can be, do, have, become anything we want as long as we follow the success route of others, work hard, study long, and in general "fake it until we make it".
Mike has proven through his more than 30 years of research that this just isn’t so. We are all born perfect, yet we are all different with different talents and abilities. When we know ourselves, we begin to better understand our unique talents. When we build on our unique strengths and collaborate with others through scaffolding, we can experience greater happiness and success.
In the early 1900’s the concept of Blank Slate [BS] was formed which basically stated: we are not perfect and to be successful, we need to strengthen our weaknesses and in so doing we can have all that we desire. Big business began to tell us we needed this and that to get to our ["their"] desired success. Success was associated with having more "things".
The result was we began to consume more and more "things" on our road to greater success and happiness. The result is clearly seen today in the fact that the fastest growing industry is the Self Storage business. We have collected so many things and are afraid to get rid of them for fear we will loose our happiness and success [pseudo success].
Mike, in his newest book, shows us an alternative to this consumption madness in our attempt to find the happiness we experienced as children. In fact, you will begin to consume 33% less and rediscover true happiness and success.

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